How To Get Rid Of Argentine Ants On Your Riverside Property

Serving Families Throughout Vista
an argentine ant looking for food

Spanning over several countries in South America is a supercolony of ants. This specific species is highly prolific, incredibly invasive, and in this case, houses millions of queens to aid in mass reproduction. This species is the Argentine ant, and unfortunately, they've made their way up to North America and frequently infest Riverside homes. Once established, they're one of the most difficult species to get rid of.

The Argentine Ant Empire: Appearance And Habits

Argentine ants are typically light to dark brown in color and can grow between 1/16 to 3/16 of an inch long. This species isn't actually native to North America; in fact, they've become a serious problem to our natural ecosystem. They regularly displace native ants, decimate insect populations due to their voracious appetites, and even encourage the growth of harmful garden pests like aphids to farm the honeydew they produce.

These ants will eat nearly anything, though they do have a preference for sugars and sweets, their appetites span over the full spectrum of consumables:

  • Raw and cooked vegetables
  • Grains and baked goods
  • Dairy products
  • Proteins and meats
  • Sugars and sugary foods
  • Other insects
  • Fruits and juices
  • Greasy foods

What Attracts Argentine Ants To Riverside Properties, And How To Keep Them Away

Like most species of ants, Argentine ants prefer moist habitats, and will often build their nests beneath mulch piles, within damp soil, and underneath debris like fallen logs and large rocks. Riverside properties with moisture issues are incredibly susceptible to Argentine ant infestations, especially if there's easily accessible food for them to find, so general home and property maintenance coupled with proper food storage is imperative for prevention:

  • Keep compost, mulch, and brush piles far away from the perimeter of your property
  • Clean up any debris scattered around your lawn
  • Try not to over-water your garden if you have one
  • Make sure your lawn is draining properly
  • Seal up any gaps, cracks, and holes around the exterior of your home; areas of concern include broken and damaged siding, exposed wood, foundation, gaps around outdoor-leading pipes and wires
  • Keep tight-fitting lids on both indoor and outdoor trash cans
  • Check for any leaky pipes and extensive water damage around your home, and repair as necessary
  • Invest in a dehumidifier for moisture-retaining rooms such as kitchen, bathroom, laundry room, and basement
  • Sweep, mop, and vacuum regularly to keep crumbs and food debris off the floor
  • Wipe down countertops and food prep areas daily
  • Keep dried goods and pantry items sealed in airtight containers
  • Never leave food sitting out overnight or for extended periods of time
  • Clean up any food and drink spills immediately after they happen

How To Evict An Army Of Argentine Ants From Your Riverside Property

Argentine ants are one of the few species that houses several queens within a single colony, which means they get established quickly and spread just as fast. Trying to get rid of them on your own could make a bad infestation even worse since instead of having winged reproductive ants they create new colonies by budding off from the mother colony. Argentine ants will also branch out if they feel their colony is threatened, and botched extermination will force this process as well.

Luckily, you don't have to struggle with Argentine ants on your own. With over 25 years of combined pest control experience, our pest experts at Green Flash Pest Control are more than happy to help you with your pest problems. Our methods may stray away from a more traditional approach, but the results speak for themselves, and we always use the highest quality pest control products available. So get in contact with us today, and kick those pests to the curb.